Ashley's Success Story

Ashley had a fierce determination to break into government regulatory affairs. However, her road to employment was filled with obstacles. Even as an expert in her field, and possessing the advanced qualification of a Ph.D., she was unemployed for eight months. Ashley found herself hitting walls of perceived overqualification and a narrowed job target. Navigating through a sea of temporary contacts and limited job prospects, she faced the daunting challenge of aligning her extensive education with her career aspirations. Her primary barriers? A lack of work experience due to years dedicated to academia and a job market that seemed to shrink with each application.

“I am most proud of not giving up on my job searching while refining my skills related to resume writing and interviewing, as well as being open to a variety of different professions.”

Ashley’s Calgary Career Hub advisors were a guiding light in her journey towards employment. Together, they meticulously tailored Ashley’s resume, ensuring her qualifications shone brightly and her experience spoke volumes. With each workshop attended and interview preparation meeting, Ashley honed her skills. transforming nervousness into confidence and uncertainty into clarity. Then she transitioned to working with a Job Developer, Ashley’s support system expanded, providing her with relevant job leads and invaluable insights into potential employers. Armed with a proactive mindset and well-crafted resume, Ashley delved into networking on LinkedIn, forging connections that paved the way of job offers.

“I used the knowledge I gained from the workshops and from my career advisor to submit effective resumes and excel at job interviews. Eventually, I obtained an offer of employment.”

Finally, she received a job offer for a position as Research Analyst & Technical Writer Associate. This opportunity not only aligned perfectly with Ashley’s educational background and career goals but also allowed her to remain in Calgary, bridging the gap between her professional aspirations and geographical preferences. Today, as she embarks on a new chapter, Ashley stands as a beacon of inspiration, proving that with grit and guidance and some help from Calgary Career Hub, anything is possible.

“Securing this position will allow me to move forward in my career, grow professionally, and learn in a new sector”.

Congratulations Ashley!
