Mona's Success Story

Mona relocated to Canada with her family and while she brought skills and experience with her, she had no Canadian accreditation or work experience. She had been actively looking for work for two months when she first came to Calgary Career Hub (CCH) in autumn 2020.

Mona needed guidance to navigate the Canadian job market. One-on-one appointments and workshops helped her gain the knowledge to confidently create tailored applications, as well as strategies to gain experience and network in her field of teaching. Mona also built her confidence with self-marketing through workshops and one-on-one coaching with her Career Advisor and Job Developer.

“The workshops held by Calgary Career Hub were very helpful and eye-opening,” says Mona. “CCH also helped me gain my first aid certificate for childcare, and my Code of Ethics and English proficiency for ATIA (Alberta Translation and Interpretation Association).”

Calgary Career Hub provided a variety of supports for Mona including workshops such as Resumes That Get Read Part 1 & 2, Cover Letters and References, Interviews Part 1 & 2, Effective Communication, Networking & Informational Interviews, HERO Job Search Part 1 & 2, and Self-Marketing.

Some specific goals identified by Mona’s CCH Career Advisor were to help make her resume ATS-friendly and to build Canadian work experience and training options to help her obtain employment in her field of teaching. One-on-one sessions with her Job Developer helped her identify employment opportunities and prepare for interviews.

Mona says, “I was able to get a job providing before and after school childcare for children K-6 daycare and couldn’t have done it without CCH’s help, guidance and support.” “I am most proud of gaining back my confidence. I feel like I am part of a team with my Calgary Career Hub family’s support. I am very grateful to them for not giving up on me and being there every step of the way until I found my dream job.”
