Cecilia's Success Story

Cecilia was feeling extremely overwhelmed looking for work and wanted to find something that was fulfilling for her. She wasn’t sure what direction to look as she felt she lacked experience and was struggling financially so didn’t feel she could pursue further education for the jobs she was interested in. So, Cecilia turned to Calgary Career Hub for help.

“I was struggling gathering my will and strength to continue the battle with job hunting.”

Once Cecilia started working with Calgary Career Hub, they were able to identify that while her long-term goal was to work with people, it was vital that she find work as soon as possible. In addition to attending workshops and working one-on-one with Cecilia to revise her resume, the team at Calgary Career Hub spent time providing an empathic ear as she shared her concerns and challenges that she was facing in other areas of her life that were impacting her progress in searching for work. With a renewed sense of determination, Cecilia and the team at Calgary Career Hub knew working in administrative work would be her focus.

“The biggest accomplishment I achieved was exceeding my expectations with my strength and will to achieve great work!”

Cecilia was referred to Job Placement where she worked one-on-one with a Job Developer who eventually helped find her a job within a month of working with them. The client persevered in the face of personal challenges, showed up to her appointments and engaged in the process. Now Cecilia is working full time as a receptionist and doing a great job. Cecilia pushed through the challenges and kept moving forward to her goal of finding sustainable work.

"Guidance from my career counsellor and coach really helped pinpoint the right career for me!"

Get in touch with the team to find out how Calgary Career Hub can help you achieve your career goals!
